Testimonials/ Reviews

Migration Practitioner Connecting People

Getting you through a complex and life-changing immigration process is what we are about at Jennifer B / AATTAIN IMMIGRATION.

Jennifer took on our case after it had been rejected by the immigration department, and then by an appeal to the minister. Our previous lawyers had deemed it a hopeless case. However, Jennifer was so disconcerted by the injustice of these rejections and saw that there was a way forward for our case, and wanted to help us. From the very beginning, she attentively listened to our concerns and communicated with us with an extraordinary level of care, compassion, and understanding. She meticulously prepared a comprehensive and detailed application. Her persistent and patient approach towards the process, and her caring and compassionate communications with us, were truly inspiring and epic. How many times we thought it was never going to work out, and yet Jennifer's exceptional dedication and expertise turned the tide in our favor! We also witnessed that Jennifer was strengthened by her own faith and integrity, and the personal approach she took.

Against all odds, our case succeeded, granting us the outcome we had only dreamed of. Our gratitude towards Jennifer knows no bounds, as she has forever changed the trajectory of our lives. We wholeheartedly and enthusiastically recommend her to anyone in need of legal representation. With Jennifer by your side, you can be assured of not only exceptional legal prowess but also unwavering support, compassion, and an unrelenting commitment to your cause.

— Sedigh

(original here)


Thank you Jennifer for everything you have done for me last two years.

You have always been supportive and professional at every level since the start. On the very first appointment, I realized that you and your team were the right ones I was looking for.

I really appreciate your level of commitment. You guided me through the process and were always there to provide information and assistance that was needed. Your calm and professional manner kept me positive thought the whole process as long delays from the Department of Home Affairs had sometimes caused stress and anxiety.

I'm really impressed by your work ethic, dedication, responsibility, and wealth of knowledge especially well-versed and capable of interpreting the provisions of the migration law. Based on my personal experience, the integrity and character you have shown have inspired me so much, I will come back to Australia in a couple of months and will start university again and will study Migration law and will help others regardless of colour, faith or background.

— Syed


I would like to give Jennifer feedback for the above & beyond service I received for my parents visitor visa. They are going back on 24th march, they really enjoyed here. I really wanna say Big Thanks to you, Big shout out to you for working so hard on their case although it was a tough case because of their first refusal. 

I was very confused when I was applying it by myself because it was refused before, until my friend told me about Jennifer’s services, how she handles refusal cases, I took decision to talk to Jennifer & I am so glad that I took this decision because the way she makes the strong with so many small points she advised. I couldn’t think of at all. The big challenge I faced is to write letters, which Jennifer helped me with strong writing which I think convinced visa officer to approve application. Also, the evidences Jennifer asked really make the case strong.

I must say Jennifer is doing her job with a-lot of passion. I will be applying for my In-laws visa in few months time I will trouble Jennifer again.

— Yassir

(original here)


We are so excited to get things wrapped up in Morocco so we can start our life here all thanks to Jennifer. Why?

  1. We actually found the application overwhelming and discovered a lot of incorrect details had been submitted by our previous Lawyer after Jennifer obtained our file from the Department of Home Affairs. My friend mentioned a brilliant representative named Jennifer and, as we felt we were totally defeated and considering me moving to Morocco we decided to see what she had to say and she put a smile back on our faces.

  2. Jennifer requested the application and confirmed errors and issues. Had I not had Jennifer we may never have been granted the visa based on serious mistakes. She quickly went to work practically having to redo parts of the application. Me and Jamal had to produce more evidence in first few weeks with Jennifer than we had to in 1 1/2 years with our previous lawyer.

  3. Jennifer and Sherry (paralegal) were totally amazing and she got that application up to perfection and didn’t let up until we got the great news.

  4. If you’re reading this and like us feeling like there’s no hope, believe me there is - Jennifer is so genuinely caring she will go beyond and work extremely hard for you. She deserved every recommendation in the world. Jennifer and Sherry are amazing absolute angels on my books.

— Donna

(original here)


Administrative Appeals Tribunal case

From the moment my case was taken right up to its successful outcome, Jennifer has been so professional, thoughtful and kind. Even though the process spanned over 2 years, Jennifer has always been patient and has always treated (my husband, son and I) with such genuine care and concern that we are not just another ticket but actual people with a need. When Jennifer was asked to speak on our behalf [final verbal submission during the hearing] her words were not only precise but professional, they speak so much of her as a kind and compassionate human being that I was truely touched.

Jennifer is definitely the person you want representing you in legal matters of migration, could not recommend her services more.

Ariel (original here)


We had applied on our own and failed. Jennifer was wonderful in every way, so understanding, supportive and professional. She fought for us and now we are going to get to be together in Australia. You have made our wish come true!

— C.B.O

Administrative Appeals Tribunal case

Hello Jennifer, I have been through the case study and it was an arduous task performed in an immaculate manner. I have no lack of certainty that I have approached one of the finest in Australia.

— D.P


“Jennifer is the BEST!! She’s very awesome, hard-working, professional yet friendly, and kind. She would go above and beyond to help your case, you and your partner to be able to stay together. My Subclass 820 has been granted within 7 months from the date of application. This wouldn’t happen without Jennifer's hard work and dedication! I couldn’t thank her enough for all her help and support throughout the process. She’s definitely HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!”

— O.K


“Jennifer Bardenhagen -

what a mighty bearer of the sword you are”

— M.G


I want to show my appreciation and shout out to Jennifer B for the brilliant help and support in getting my mum to visit Australia.

— M.H.A


I would like to thank you for your dedicated efforts for the grant of our Australian visa. You have been of great help, as we liked your hard follow-up, detailed info, and your friendly communications in each step during the visa application. We shall recommend you to all our friends.

— H.A.S


“Jennifer explained in detail, the steps and processes in obtaining our visa. She made the application process smooth and stress-free. While assisting with every concern and question along the way. To organise this while Covid-19, Jennifer was just simply fantastic. Thank you Jennifer for your amazing service. We are so grateful that we found you… I finally met my forever man and you helped me to keep him by my side! For that, I cannot thank you enough.”

— C.B


“Jennifer, I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for your efforts. We would not have been able to do this without you. WE could not even believe it as we were starting to lose hope due to how close my birthday was. The emotions you went through are exactly the ones I went through but your positivity and constant reassurance definitely helped. You are such an amazing person and I am honoured to have you around. I appreciate everything you have done so far.”

— Y.A


Administrative Appeals Tribunal case

I used some of your case law research in an appeal matter about 6 months ago. The Tribunal Member sat up, took notice and remitted the refusal decision!

— N.M.F


“Thank you, Jennifer, for all your amazing help in getting me to the Partner Visa 801. I had a lot of trouble with my first agent and felt really out of depth. My husband and I are truly grateful to you for your services. No doubt it’s a stressful process but your guideline and professional attitude made it easier.”

— A.S


“Thank you very much, Jenny, for your hard work regarding my parent's visa, I am so grateful. I am lucky because I know a very smart agent like you. My parents as well appreciate your hard work to get them here in Australia. I recommend everyone to choose you as her/ his agent.”

— Z.A


“A huge thank you for helping us with our appeal. We appreciate everything you have done. I highly recommend Jennifer, such a beautiful lady and knowledgeable of the law. We would never have won our appeal if it hadn’t been for Jennifer. Thank you so much again.”

— T.P


“I highly recommend Jennifer to anyone looking for a migration agent. She made the whole process so easy and far less stressful. It would have been much harder to succeed in getting a Partner Visa without her help. She is an excellent communicator, professional and most importantly, level-headed and calm.”

— R.B


I would like to deeply thank Jennifer, the smart migration agent and a wonderful person for helping m in such a difficult and low-hope situation. Your hard work, creative ideas, and taking care of all the details have made us succeed in our case.”

— Y.T


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